19. Compound Data Structures
L2 26 Compound Data Structures V2
Compound Data Structures
We can include containers in other containers to create compound data structures. For example, this dictionary maps keys to values that are also dictionaries!
elements = {"hydrogen": {"number": 1,
"weight": 1.00794,
"symbol": "H"},
"helium": {"number": 2,
"weight": 4.002602,
"symbol": "He"}}
We can access elements in this nested dictionary like this.
helium = elements["helium"] # get the helium dictionary
hydrogen_weight = elements["hydrogen"]["weight"] # get hydrogen's weight
You can also add a new key to the element dictionary.
oxygen = {"number":8,"weight":15.999,"symbol":"O"} # create a new oxygen dictionary
elements["oxygen"] = oxygen # assign 'oxygen' as a key to the elements dictionary
print('elements = ', elements)
Output is:
elements = {"hydrogen": {"number": 1,
"weight": 1.00794,
"symbol": 'H'},
"helium": {"number": 2,
"weight": 4.002602,
"symbol": "He"},
"oxygen": {"number": 8,
"weight": 15.999,
"symbol": "O"}}